Arabian Careers Limited
During the past 25 years, Arabian Careers Limited (ACL) has served as the primary recruiter of healthcare professionals for 17 different hospitals in Saudi Arabia. These included hospitals operated for the Saudi Arabian National Guard, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Defense and Aviation. In addition, recruitment assignments have been carried out for the Saudi Arabian Red Crescent Society, several private clinics and some private-
Originally, ACL functioned with its own offices in London, Washington and Riyadh, supplemented by a network of affiliated recruiters in other key countries all over the globe. However, with the advent and widespread use of the "worldwide web", ACL has transformed into an internet-
Pictured here are some of the staff at one of the hospitals for which ACL provided international recruitment services. Let ACL put you in the picture for a brighter future in one of Saudi Arabia's modern hospitals or leading companies.